Friday, May 25, 2012

Another day of wonder...

The weather struggles seem to be generated by the 10,000-foot mountains. Early in the morning it tends to be sunny, the middle of the day is a horror, and the late afternoon clears. This is from yesterday, today only had rain and 40 mph wind.

I spent some time on the Sheep Creek Geologic Loop, a road through a museum of sandstone types. The pictures can't do justice to this place--the formations are huge!

When I first heard of this drive, I scoffed--but it was huge and impressive:

When the sun came out strongly, I raced back to Red Canyon to get another view:

This time, I happened to glance over at the next led just like the one I was on. Uh-oh.

When I mentioned the danger to a ranger, he shrugged philosophically and said, "We do tell people not to go outside the fence."

Oh, good.

To wrap up the day, a bit of contemplation on the banks of the 90-mile long reservoir.

Tomorrow, a trip to the completely remote Gates of Lodore.  can't wait!!!

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