Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Making progress slowly...

I'm sure Thomas A. Edison had days like this. You think of a way to stabilize the Phantom on landings (it has a tendency to tip over on its nose), and think you know just how to solve it.
I attached some long skids. They stabilized the landings just fine, but:
Let's call that an Ooops. Fortunately, Calico Canyon is near my home, so I can go back with the new, more spread skids and shoot it again.
These hills are the back side of the Calico Hills overlooks on the ten-,mile drive through Red Rock Canyon.
Edison would be proud. Proud, I tell you.  I have also developed a highly sophisticated and therefore proprietary viewing system so I can keep some of the !#!$!%!^! sunlight off the cell phone screen (the Android is clamped inside the box)
The offending skids actually worked brilliantly on this landing, but--now I have curved the front ends wide to see if I can retain that benefit but get them out of the videos.
Perhaps Mr. Edison will drop in and help?

1 comment:

  1. It's worth learning to catch land the phantom. Hover above your head, grab the skids in one hand and use the other to hold down the throttle to switch off the motors.
