Ah, lovely Canyon de Chelly! As I write this, the wind is ripping the leaves and bark off the trees outside my hotel window and blowing them to China.
Fortunately, I got to photograph Tsegi Point near the park entrance this morning (the image above) before the winds reached hurricane force.
Then, as things became dire around 10:00 A.M. , I raced over to Antelope House (named for a painting of an antelope on the wall). It is obvious why the Anasazi tucked their homes under the cliffs--this place has brutal heat in Summer, bone-cracking cold in Winter, and these dust typhoons in Spring. In this first shot, you can see the dust beginning to rise into the formerly-blue sky)

A couple of truckloads of tourists were visiting Antelope House, so I included them for scale. Everybody in the hotel looks windblown and bedraggled--probably from riding in those trucks. You can drive your own car up here on the rim roads, but to drive in the canyons and visit the ruins, the Navajos have the only permits.

I'm outta here early tomorrow for Sedona. Think of it as panic-stricken flight...
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