The long day began at 2:45 A.M. and hasn't ended yet. On the way over here to Canyon de Chelly, I stopped at Meteor Crater, near Winslow, Arizona. Meteor Crater is the result of a 300,000 ton meteor colliding with Earth at 20,000 miles per hour. It's a wonderful story, and I'll have much more when I get home and do a gallery on it.
In both places, I was nearly blown over high cliffs by 40 mph winds. Unbelievably difficult to take pictures in both places.
As a matter of fact. in Canyon de Chelly. first my tripod and then I almost took the Big Swan dive off a 700-foot cliff.
At Canyon de Chelly, I spend some time with the Godzilla of stone formations. The tallest is 800 feet tall, and the spider Woman lives on top of the left-hand column; she even keeps a cupcake of bones (that's that white pouf up there) up there with her.
Time to get some desperately needed food and sleep.

Yes, I'll crop that vignetting out of the corners--I'm just too tired now.
For gods sake, watch the cliffs you maniac!
ReplyDeleteThe era of Shakelton is long over, and the stories, while inspiring, have a slightly masochistic tint to them a century later...