Friday, February 19, 2016

Mesa, Arizona--second post.

After three initial brilliantly sunny days, I've now suffered a second cloudy one. The weather forecast all through this has been for 'sunny and 80 degrees.' I do wonder about these hundred-year-in-the future climate predictions. Just tell me what the weather is going to be tomorrow!

Needing some activity, I went to Lake Pleasant and found two new spots I want to shoot on a sunny day. This one is from a secluded but strategically-placed spot called Two Cow Cove, where I saw a speed boat owner doing bursts of speed and having to work on his engine each time.

Then I went to the North end of the lake, where I saw a heron sitting on a post. Of course it was silly to try to sneak up on him with a drone, but I didn't have anything else to do. Oh, well.
Finally, because I needed my exercise, I watched a kayaker doing his workout and felt much better!

Praying for sunshine tomorrow. Sob...

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