Sunday, November 8, 2015

Trying hard to beat Winter...

The second day featured another icy morning. Fortunately, Winter hasn't yet iced the daytime. After the Sun is up for an hour, things improve greatly. This video is of Bell Rock, a favorite for families because it is easy to climb up the ledges.

I have a sweeping view from up here around to the Chapel of the Holy Cross, but it is too large a file for Blogger. Please see that really gorgeous sequence on my Phanfare site:

Later, the wind came up, so I sought out a formation which shielded the drone a bit. This is the Dry Creek area, which has an overlook and these scenic cliffs. Again, I have a longer clip of sweeping around from these formations to look out over the huge Red Cliffs/Boynton Pass area at my Phanfare site:
This morning looks pretty good as the Sun rises.
 Going to try a new park area near Oak Creek and see if I can video the last of the Fall foliage.

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