The Toyota Mutiny ended with a whimper. The cheap floozie. She developed a complete attitude transplant--all I had to do was drive her to Vegas and run her through the deluxe car wash with wax. Hmmph.
This glass structure above is what happens when gypsum flies down from the sky. There is also a huge sinkhole in the Upper Valley where a large deposit of gypsum broke down into a superfine white powder and blew away. The hole is 200 feet deep! More about the magic of gypsum in a later post.
There are also round black boulders everywhere, blown for miles when Boulder Mountain erupted fifty million years ago.
No wonder there is a lot of mining here (wherever the !#!$!%! government doesn't ban it). The mountains are layers upon layers of minerals for miles around!

Yesterday, I visited Upper Cathedral Valley with its astonishing wealth of formations.
At the end of the day I left the park via the Lower Cathedral Valley. These two monoliths, the Temple of the Sun and the Temple of the Moon, dominate a broad valley--and the glass mountain site is only a quarter-mile away.

They do make a pair! Below, the image in the foreground is the Temple of the Moon, and the Temple of the Sun is in the background. Still, as long as the Sun is out, it's hard not to take a good picture!

I just got home with 65 gigabytes of stills and videos. That will take a while to digest, but should produce some interesting panoramas. And--what was I going to do through the hot Vegas Summer, anyway?
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