Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Great White Shark in 3D video!!...

This was shot with the new Fuji 3D WD camera in a RecSea housing marketed by my long-time pal Howard Rosenstein of Fantasea.com. This is exactly the effect I had hoped to capture. Unfortunately for me, the instruction manual was so bad I didn't realize that the 3D function had worked--or I'd have shot a lot more!

Japanese companies should hire Americans to write their !#!$!%!^! manuals!

Still, this captures the big shark known as Big Bro as he examines me. The 3D camera only has a 35mm lens, so it can't take the wide angle shots like my stills in the earlier posts below. The shark has to be coming straight in--which Big Bro obliged me by doing.

By the way--of course, you can't see the 3D effect unless you have a 3D TV or computer monitor. They will be replacing current sets over time. At that point, Big Bro is coming for you!.

Do you get the idea that Big Bro is intensely fixated on the Chicken in the Basket?

The chicken does...

Here's another clip. It goes without saying that I'm heading back to South Australia with the 3D rig in June now that I know it works.. Stay tuned!:

Monday, December 20, 2010

He's ba-a-a-a-a-ck, Part two

Please don't miss my first post on this fabulous trip to South Australia, just below this one.  Now for part two!

That is Big Bro, a big shark, searching for the bait. If you look in the water in the background, you see a messy kind of mist affecting the picture.
The shot above shows you where that comes from:  It cost me lots of pictures--think of it as sharks in a snowstorm. Sigh.
However, there were some really good dives where the cages weren't being tossed around by the swells.

That's our pal Big Bro as he prowls in the open water.
We also had another sea lion entertainment. A sea lion came to the boat and repeatedly buzzed Little Bro.
The pesky sea lion henpecked poor old Little Bro unmercifully.

It all ended in a kamikaze attack.

Little Bro lost interest in the sea lion, and the sea lion drifted off. Later, Little Bro made an amazingly savage attack on a handing bait.

I surely had a lot of fun dodging the big teeth as the big bull known as Big Brother came by!!! Sometimes I pulled the camera back as here with not much time to spare.

That was another shot from Mark Enarson's polecam. His series of shots taken while standing on the rear platform  are a great souvenir for me!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

He's ba-a-a-a-a-ack!...

After a couple of years of recovery, I finally got back to South Australia for what I believe was my 33rd great white shark expedition.

Ensconced in what Geri Tzimoulis unkindly called the Popemobile,
The Canadian photographer Mark Enarson came oin the trip with his polecam
Mark didn't even get his feet wet and shot some excellent portraits of me with my little friends:
From the cage, two sharks stood out from the seven in the bay. Big Bro was a good-sized male who spent one day making repeated passes
Note the ubiquitous Polecam in the right center below. many of Big Bro's sweeps ended with an attack on the cage
Sometimes giving us the tonsil view
Or even the dentist's-eye view

All in all, Big Bro was a Great Performer!

His pal Little Bro was, on the other hand, a snatch and grab shark, who appeared suddenly from the depths and snatched the bait in a flash

On one dive, Little Bro kept us all waiting for a half-hour, then erupted in a swift attack

More later, but that is a taste.

I'm ba-a-a-a-a-ack...